德川幕府三代將軍家光當(dāng)政時期,風(fēng)調(diào)雨順,國泰民安。時世間流傳三件神器的傳說,分別是大帝之劍、斗神獨鈷杵、以及猶大的十字架,它們用宇宙金屬鑄就,持有者將獲得征服世界的力量。武士萬源九郎(阿部寛 飾)即為大帝之劍的持有者,他按照父親臨終前的囑托四處尋找神器,要將它們送回“原來的歸屬之處”。路上他邂逅豐臣家的后代小舞(長谷川京子 飾)及其護衛(wèi)真田忍者佐助(宮藤官九郎 飾)沿途艱險重重,還要時刻躲避幕府的追殺。另一方面,宇宙人蘭(長谷川京子 飾)以及牡丹(黒木メイサ 飾)也時刻覬覦著萬源九郎一行手中的神器。各懷鬼胎的敵人源源不斷,萬源九郎只得憑借大帝之劍殺出一條血路…
1.0 狗的審判
4.0 象牙山車神
2.0 “騙騙”喜歡你
10.0 典范
2023 喜劇簡介: The Paragon is the story of DUTCH, the crippled and angry victim of a hit and run, who takes a course on how to be psychic so he can find the car that hit him and take revenge on the driver. But when his teacher ,LYRA, draws him into her search for a mysterious crystal known as THE PARAGON, Dutch finds himself trapped in a parallel universe and on the run from Lyra's evil brother HAXAN and his band of psychic slaves. -
5.0 東北“大仙兒”
5.0 好運來