延續(xù)第一部的史詩故事,柯拉(索菲亞·波多拉 Sofia Boutella 飾)與幸存的戰(zhàn)士準備好豁出一切,與勇敢的碧草星居民并肩作戰(zhàn),即使村落不復往日和平,仍是對抗母星失敗的人們尋得的新家園,這一切,就靠他們來守護。最終大戰(zhàn)前夕,這群戰(zhàn)士必須面對各自的過往,也揭露他們究竟為何而戰(zhàn)。當叛軍勢力星火燎原,王國大軍傾巢而出準備平息動亂,戰(zhàn)友情誼益發(fā)堅定,英雄嶄露頭角,不朽傳奇也于焉誕生。
7.0 最后的機器人
2023 科幻簡介:After the end of the climate wars, there is probably one person left on Earth. Her name is Ewa. She lives with a robot named Arthur, whose job is to guard the borders of the camp. One day Ewa goes outside the camp boundaries. On her return she gives the incorrect password. The robot, despite knowing Eve, does not let her into the camp. She is trapped on a small patch of land. S... -
1.0 天體
1.0 復制魔
6.0 寂靜星球2024
8.0 海島巨蟒
8.0 末日